Top 10 Yoga Poses for Beginners to Stay Fit & Healthy Nikita H May 20, 2024 Health & Beauty, Lifestyle 217 Introduction These days, yoga is the newest fitness craze that everyone throughout the globe talks about. A few years ago, it was believed that yoga was practiced primarily by elderly people and saints. As of now, yoga has also become deeply ingrained in the youths hearts as well. When you incorporate yoga into your lifestyle, it offers numerous long-term advantages in addition to helping you stay in shape. Yoga has several health advantages. Active movement is necessary and welcomed by the body. But the physical advantages of yoga in its different forms go far beyond that. Their muscles are toned and strengthened, their blood flow and oxygenation increase, their posture and balance improve, their spine and joints become more flexible, the toxins built up in the body are also reduces and the immune system improves each day. In this comprehensive guide, we will learn about the basic yoga poses for beginners and their benefits, aiding in foundational practice. 1. Downward Dog Pose or Adho Mukha Svanasana One of the most adaptable yoga poses for beginners is downward facing dog. It supports flexibility from head to toe in addition to aiding with back discomfort and strengthening the core. Dr. Mukai claims that it relieves pressure on the spine by creating traction in the lower back. Your calves and hamstrings receive a nice stretch in the meanwhile. Source 2. Easy Sitting Pose or Sukhasana Cross-legged sitting doesn’t have to be a challenging posture. Similar to Cobbler’s stance, you can start to undo the consequences of excessive chair sitting by strategically using props to change a painful position into one that is easy. Source 3. Child Pose or Balasana The child’s pose, or balasana, is a basic yoga asana suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners. This is a useful asana for back, hip, thigh, and ankle stretching and relaxation. Apart from its physical advantages, the pose facilitates a reconnection with your inner self. Source 4. Butterfly Pose or Baddha Konasana Dr. Soffer suggests that the basic butterfly pose is beneficial for improving flexibility. It opens up your hips to allow gravity to descend your knees. In fact, a study done on diabetics revealed that when combined with other yoga poses, it enhanced the individuals’ general well-being, blood glucose control, and total cholesterol. Source 5. Tree Pose or Vrikshasana An excellent way to start practicing balancing poses is with tree pose. You may quickly get out of it if you sense yourself starting to lose it. Aim to avoid thrusting your hip to the side of your standing leg in an attempt to establish a counterweight. Try a few different foot positions, keeping your focus on a specific area on the floor, and discover which one works best for you: heel resting low on the ankle, on a block, or above or below the knee. Source 6. Cat – Cow Pose or Bitilasana Marjaryasana According to Yale Medicine integrative medicine specialist Gary Soffer, M.D., “a gentle but dynamic set of two poses that helps loosen all of the back muscles,” the cat-cow stretch is one of the finest yoga poses for back pain and flexibility. It accomplishes this by aiding in the movement of the spines’ joints. Source 7. Mountain Pose or Tadasana The shoulders and pelvis are stacked in Mountain Pose, creating a straight line that extends from the top of your head to your heels. Focus on rooting down with your feet and lengthening up with your spine, because every person’s body is different. Source 8. Bridge Pose or Setu Bandhasana Bridge posture, sometimes called a backbend, is a gentle approach to practice spine extension. This kind of exercise counteracts the effects of prolonged sitting and enhances the mobility of your spine, so it’s a good idea to start doing it. Source 9. Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana The Sanskrit words “bhujanga,” which means snake or serpent, and “asana,” which means position, are combined to form the phrase “Bhujangasana.”By extending the muscles in the shoulders, chest, and belly, bhujangasana helps to improve flexibility in the upper body and lessen stiffness in the lower back. Source 10. Corpse Pose or Savasana Although it may appear more like a way to wind down than a yoga stance, savasana is actually one of the best poses for your general health and wellbeing. Your body and mind will benefit from the release of tension and possible reduction in heart rate that occurs when you concentrate on your breathing while letting go of your body. Source Conclusion Study advises easing into an effective schedule while experimenting with primary yoga poses. Every day, even 10 minutes is a fantastic place to start. Research advises, “Don’t be scared to do just a little bit on your own at home.” Your body will respond much better to small portions several times a day than to large binges once a week. These yoga poses for beginners will help you to start this beautiful journey. SHARE THIS POST