20 amazing Christmas gifts ideas to make her feel special Chetna Jain November 2, 2017 Lifestyle, Relationship Christmas is one of festivals which is celebrated vastly in the entire world. It is the day when family and friends give gifts to each other as a...
8 Ways to Spot Liar in the Digital World of Online Dating Chetna Jain October 27, 2017 Apps, YMK I have been to weddings of couples who met online and fell in love. It shows online dating can and does work. However, like many other facets of...
Give Your Daughter Beautiful Braids Hairstyles Like She Gets From Her Mother Chetna Jain July 17, 2017 Fashion, Health & Beauty, Lifestyle, Parenting, Relationship Wouldn’t it be great if you could give different and unique braids hairstyle to your daughter every now and then before she goes to school or...
8 Things not to be done after breakup Chetna Jain June 23, 2017 Relationship Breakup!! Involve lots of emotion. It’s always difficult to handle a breakup and especially when you have been too much for each other. All the...
Last minute Father’s Day gifts for your dad Chetna Jain June 17, 2017 Parenting, Relationship Father’s Day is here, and if you are reading this then you might have not purchased a gift for your father yet. Don’t worry, we would help you in...
5 Reasons Why Having a Pet in Your House Changes Your Life Chetna Jain April 20, 2017 Pets, Relationship A famous saying goes, “There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.” Most of us have experienced this. A pet makes us...
#MyStory – I’m A Feminist, But I Like To Be Called ‘Whore’ Shreyans Dodia December 29, 2015 Relationship, Sex Last night, we played the game again. The one where I'm a sex slave, and my man is my king, selecting me for a night of passion from among a bevy of...
This couple found unique way to keep Long Distance Relationship Alive Purvi Gandhi November 24, 2015 Love, Relationship Beyond the first few months of giddy affection and the feeling of butterflies, few -- if any -- romantic relationships are easy. Sure, some look that...
These Photographs Of A Couple Travelling Together Are Simply Superb Chetna Jain October 27, 2015 Lifestyle, Love, Relationship, Travel While travelling solo can be one of the most rewarding, inspiring and empowering activities you can do in your life, travelling with the person you...
24 Adorable Photos of Cutie Siena and her Doberman depicting friendship Chetna Jain September 25, 2015 Pets, Relationship We often see photographs of people with their pets, expressing the strong bond they share. There are many breeds of dogs that are adorable with their...