Incredible Business Ideas That Can Help Women Succeed In A World Dominated By Men Dhanashree Kankanwade May 23, 2021 Inspiration It’s no secret that the business world is changing and becoming more inclusive. However, that didn’t come without sacrifice and the efforts of...
7 Things to Consider Before Buying a New Car Karan Jain April 29, 2021 Lifestyle When it comes to buying a new car there are lots of things you will want to consider and think about. As a car is a considered purchase you need to...
10 Inspirational Movies on Women in Business & Marketing Karan Jain April 27, 2021 Inspiration Being an empowered woman is à la mode like never before. We see, hear, and feel feminine movement spread across the globe.Watching inspirational...
10 Fantabulous Ways To Appreciate Your Working Mother Chetna Jain February 10, 2021 Inspiration We all claim that we love our mothers, don’t we? But do we express our feelings to them? We actually don’t. Just like you need to show...
5 ways to Deal Effectively with Employee Stress Chetna Jain January 19, 2021 Inspiration We’re living in times of unprecedented challenges in the workplace. Employees not only face stressors at work but also with the wider social and...
Forget about your phone before sleeping and make a book your best friend. Chetna Jain November 15, 2020 Inspiration Dear ladies, have you ever had difficulty going to sleep and waking the same after. People who have this issue usually share common reasons for...
The Freedom of Choice: Why Women Decide Not to Have Children Chetna Jain October 23, 2020 Inspiration “Grow up, get married, have kids!” - that’s how tradition dictated women lived their lives for many years. And for a long time, that is how...
Women’s Favorite Compact Sewing Machines Dhanashree Kankanwade September 29, 2020 Inspiration Compact sewing machines have a lot more to offer than just a small and organized working space. Compared to the classical sewing machines, women find...
10 Female-Led Company Stocks To Invest Akshita Singhvi September 25, 2020 Inspiration Women CEOs are proven to turn in more profits than their male counterparts. That is one of several benefits of a company led by a woman CEO. If you...
Cryptocurrency and Future of Female Leads Akshita Singhvi September 17, 2020 Inspiration As per, the Cryptocurrency population is 91.22 percent males, and just 8.78 percent females. The cryptocurrency space provides tremendous...