Here’s What No One Tells You About Tattoo Removal Dhanashree Kankanwade October 26, 2020 Health & Beauty There are several reasons why people get a tattoo. Some do so because they perceive their body as a form of a canvas where they can profoundly...
Unlocking the Secrets to Get in Shape Dhanashree Kankanwade October 20, 2020 Health & Beauty We've all set goals to get in shape at some point in life. Every passing year becomes more and more hectic. And with everything that's going...
Thyroid Function Disorders Dr. Kamini Jain October 17, 2020 Health & Beauty The thyroid measures out very precise amounts of one or both of two hormones as the body's needs dictates, in order to support a healthy metabolism,...
The Ins and Outs of Alopecia Dhanashree Kankanwade October 14, 2020 Health & Beauty Suffering from alopecia can be a scary and worrying experience, especially when different medical terms are being thrown out and you’re not...
What Do You Need to Discuss With Your Doctor After an Accident? Dhanashree Kankanwade October 13, 2020 Health & Beauty If you are involved in any kind of accident that results in an injury, you are going to have a lot on your plate. Unfortunately, while the best thing...
How To Clean Lungs After Quitting Smoking Dhanashree Kankanwade October 13, 2020 Health & Beauty People often start smoking to deal with anxiety and stress. But that one pack of cigarettes turns into an unlimited number of packs with no end until...
9 Effective Ways to Combat Sagging and Slackening Skin Dr. Kamini Jain October 9, 2020 Health & Beauty More than 17 million women go for Botox and other medical methods to get rid of sagging skin every year. Others stay with the slackening skin but...
How to Repair Your Damaged Hair? Here are 8 Best Tips Dr. Shikha Chandaliya October 8, 2020 Health & Beauty Are you spending too much on expensive hair products? Have you been trying DIY hair treatments but not getting results? No matter what your hair type...
How Soon After Getting Botox Do You See Results? Dhanashree Kankanwade October 8, 2020 Health & Beauty Everyone becomes self-conscious at times. People all over the world spend hours and lots of money tending to their look. They want to project a...
How to Properly Deal with Anxiety and Stress Dr. Kamini Jain October 2, 2020 Health & Beauty It is almost impossible to believe that stress and anxiety are not meant to be a part of our daily lives. They are so ingrained into work, school,...