5 Ways to Prevent Stress Getting the Better of you Dr. Kamini Jain June 4, 2020 Health & Beauty 2118 Stress can be a killer, literally. It is well known that it can contribute to making many common conditions worse and can ultimately be a factor in the death. There is a lot of science already knows about how stress can lead to cardiovascular problems like an increase in strokes. There is a lot that they also don’t know so reducing stress is important in so many ways that we still have no idea about it. Besides the physical aspect, there is also a quality of life factor that needs to be considered. Stress can lead to a life that is not lived to its fullest and lacks joy. To let stress take over often leads to a sad and melancholy life. Here are five positive ways to prevent stress from getting on top of you and preserve your good health. Take Regular Breaks Over-working is absolutely one of the fastest routes to stressing yourself towards an early death. If you have a stressful job, it’s not always easy to make the work lifestyle easier to deal with. However, one way that everyone can get a little relief is by ensuring that you take little breaks all through the day. Work-life balance is not just about taking it easy. It is essential for mental health and physical health. The common adage about being all work and no play is not just a cliche. It is very true that working too much without also balancing it out by spending quality time with family and friends or doing a hobby is bound to come back and bite you in the form of health problems. Talk to Someone About Issues If you do start to feel yourself struggling, then it’s important to seek out help. This means finding someone to talk to about your issues. This can simply be a friend that you trust and feel comfortable confiding in. If it is more serious then it may be the best idea to seek the help of a qualified mental health professional who can offer help and coping advice, and even prescribe medication, if required. Luckily, there is no stigma attached to seeking help from a professional as there used to be. You shouldn’t feel ashamed or inadequate because you need some help. There is even group counseling that can help get through a particular rough patch in life. If you know the cause of the stress and feel it is negatively affecting your life, then joining these groups may be the answer. Supplements There are loads of supplements on the market that can help us deal with the problems of stress and anxiety. From medical solutions to more natural and herbal remedies there is a world of choice out there. So, how to choose? It’s important to know that the active substance in your supplement has a proven health benefit, therefore do a bit of research first. CBD aka hemp oils are a great example and Rave Reviews have compiled this list of fantastic suppliers. Anything that will help your body produce serotonin is a good place to look. Besides CBD oil, there are also St John’s Wort and even some probiotics. Serotonin is the hormone that is responsible for feelings of bliss. When it hits your brain, it helps to relax and let the stress go so you can feel better about your situation. Diet & Exercise Being physically fit and healthy is a good way to keep on top of your mental health, and as such avoid stress getting the better of you. There are many ways to be active and if you are in a job such as nursing which has long shifts, then it might be difficult to find a routine that suits you. It’s easier when you have a plan, like this, and consider things like work out at a time of day that suits you, do things you enjoy, eat well, and set your goals in a realistic way to limit the chances of giving up. When you do regular exercise, your body releases dopamine that washes over your brain and makes you feel good. It’s that rush you get after a good workout. It all comes from the dopamines. Not only that, but your improved circulation will help reduce cortical which is a stress hormone. When your mind is stressed and disturbed, this hormone is released throughout the body. Bringing oxygen-rich blood to your brain and the rest of your body helps reduce that cortisol so you don’t feel the stress. Have a Release It’s important to have something outside of work and family duties to give you a mental release in your life by having something that’s simple for you. This is where hobbies and interests come in, especially if it’s in a social setting. Having a club, or organization you can attend regularly is a great way to meet people and take your mind away from other things. Ideas of what you could do include, arts and crafts classes, courses to learn a new skill, such as a language, or a casual sports team? What’s important is to find something that works for you. Do Yoga and Meditate Another good release is to do yoga and meditate to help connect your body and mind to fight stress and anxiety. Yoga is a great non-impact workout that does wonders for your breathing and keeping the blood flowing. It helps circulate nutrients and, again, will reduce the levels of cortisol in your blood. Besides that, it helps connect your mind to your breathing to focus your thoughts away from the stress so you can basically reset your mind. Meditation does the same thing just without the physical activity as part of it. You can calm your racing mind and let it relax until you can process the stress in a natural and unemotional way. Get a Massage Having a regular schedule for massages is also a good way to keep stress at bay. There is nothing more relaxing than getting a rub down to work the stress out of the muscles and totally relax. After a good massage, serotonin is washing all throughout the body, and cortisol is reduced. That feeling of euphoria after a massage is a good way to bring your mind out of that stressful place so you can think rationally. One massage is not going to work. You have to do this regularly throughout the period of stress to fully get your mind back on track and be able to relax so you can avoid health problems. SHARE THIS POST