Signs Of Prediabetes Dr. Shikha Chandaliya March 30, 2023 Health & Beauty 311 Prediabetes affects many people but often goes undiagnosed. The good news is that several warning signs can alert you to this serious health condition. Identifying these signs can help you decide if you need to see a doctor for further testing. By paying attention to these potential red flags, you can take steps to prevent full-blown diabetes from developing down the line. Thus, you can keep yourself healthy now and in the future. This article will discuss some of the most common signs of prediabetes, helping you stay one step ahead of any possible complications. What Is Prediabetes? Prediabetes is a condition that affects millions of Americans annually. It occurs when your blood glucose levels become higher than average but not high enough to be considered diabetes. Prediabetes can cause significant health risks if left untreated, increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. How Is Prediabetes Diagnosed? Most blood testing devices, like the A1c home test kit or similar ones, can measure the average percentage of blood sugar in your system. They work by measuring your hemoglobin, which is a protein found in red blood cells. The higher the level of glucose present in your bloodstream, the more it affects your hemoglobin. A person with prediabetes typically has an A1c between 5.7% and 6.4%. Aside from the A1c test, medical professionals can also use fasting plasma glucose (FPG) tests to diagnose prediabetes. It involves taking a blood sample after 8 hours without food or drink—although water may be allowed. A reading between 100 mg/dl and 125 mg/dl may indicate prediabetes. Different tests, such as oral glucose tolerance tests, are optional for diagnosing prediabetes since they require multiple steps and take longer to complete. Most doctors prefer using either an A1c test or an FPG test instead. What Are The Signs Of Prediabetes? People with prediabetes typically don’t experience symptoms. They may not even realize they have it until their doctor diagnoses them with blood tests. However, people should be aware of prediabetes’s common signs and risk factors. Here are some of them: Increased Thirst One of the signs of prediabetes is increased thirst. Do you often feel more thirsty than usual? It’s best to pay attention and let your doctor know about this symptom. Your body may be telling you that something isn’t quite right. Excessive thirst can mean that your blood sugar levels are higher than average. When you have erratic spikes in your blood sugar, your body will try to expel the excess glucose by filtering. Because of that, you may experience frequent urination, leaving you feeling dehydrated while causing an increase in thirst. Increased Hunger Increased hunger is one of the most common signs of prediabetes. People who have it may feel hungrier than usual, even after eating. Some may crave certain foods more frequently, while others experience an increased appetite. Changes in blood sugar levels associated with prediabetes can lead to increased hunger. When your blood sugar level is too low, you may feel hungry. Most people will eat more than usual to compensate for this drop in glucose. These changes can also affect other hormones like ghrelin and leptin, which control our feelings of hunger and fullness. These hormonal imbalances are linked to insulin resistance associated with prediabetic patients. Frequent Urination Another common symptom of prediabetes is frequent urination. People with this condition often need to use the restroom more frequently than usual, sometimes even at night. Because of increased thirst, drinking fluids can result in more frequent bathroom breaks. When blood glucose levels are higher than normal, it causes the kidneys to work harder. Consequently, they produce more urine to expel waste. Frequent urination can result in dehydration, leading to other serious health issues, if left untreated Fatigue Fatigue may be a sign of prediabetes. People with high glucose levels will often experience exhaustion due to energy depletion. Your body must break down sugar molecules into simpler forms for fuel. This process takes up extra resources, leaving less available for ordinary activities like walking, running, or even standing still. When you don’t have enough insulin to regulate blood sugar properly, your body cannot effectively absorb nutrients from food. It results in inadequate calories, leading to fatigue and tiredness. Numbness In The Feet Or Hands Nerve damage due to elevated blood glucose levels can cause numbness. Some may also experience numbness, tingling pain, and burning or reduced sensation in affected areas. In severe cases, you may experience limb weakness or difficulty moving them. Seeking medical advice is essential to examine these conditions. Doctors can diagnose the cause and provide appropriate treatment. Blurred Vision One of the signs of prediabetes is blurred vision, which can be challenging to detect. It only becomes apparent when a person with prediabetes has already experienced other symptoms—such as increased thirst and frequent urination. Unfortunately, blurred vision is one of many potential warning signs indicating an impending diagnosis of prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. If you experience changes in your normal visual acuity, you must see your doctor immediately. They can evaluate your risk level and advise appropriate steps toward managing this condition. Slow-Healing Wounds Slow-healing wounds are one of the signs of prediabetes. Do you have cuts, bruises, or blisters that don’t seem to heal even after several weeks? It could be a sign of high blood sugar levels. Diabetes interferes with the body’s ability to fight off infection and heal wounds. If you have prediabetes, you should take extra care of your wounds and protect them from further damage. Frequent Infections One of the signs of prediabetes is frequent infections. People with this condition are more prone to developing skin, bladder, and vaginal infections. They’re also at greater risk for urinary tract infections (UTIs). Such chronic inflammatory states can lead to complications that may increase their diabetes risk even further. People with prediabetes have problems regulating blood sugar levels. As a result, their body must work harder to maintain the normal balance of electrolytes and other substances needed for proper functioning. When these processes don’t happen as efficiently, your immune system becomes weakened and susceptible to infection. Conclusion The first step towards managing prediabetes is knowing the signs and symptoms. It can help you take the necessary action to prevent them from worsening. If you think you may have prediabetes, consult with your doctor as soon as possible. Doctors can use an A1c test, fasting plasma glucose test, or an oral glucose tolerance test to confirm their diagnosis. Once you complete these tests, they’ll provide appropriate lifestyle advice and treatment options. Being proactive about your health can help you recognize the signs of prediabetes. Hence, you can take steps towards better managing and preventing any further complications associated with this condition. SHARE THIS POST