When it comes to giving your child the best educational pathway possible your fundamental priority will be to find the facilities and curriculum that helps you fulfill those parental ambitions.

You will undoubtedly be asking all sorts of questions along the way, such as what are the benefits of charter schools?, and will your child benefit from project-based learning?

You can find positive attributes to recommend both a charter school education for your child and also a powerful educational philosophy that is embraced by these schools, project-based learning (PBL).

Let’s put PBL under the spotlight and learn what it is and why your child could benefit from it.

The basics of PBL and its characteristics

PBL is an approach that takes your child’s education to a new level that goes beyond writing in textbooks and memorizing information verbatim.

How does it work?

A key principle of PBL is that it is designed to encourage students to adopt a mindset of critical and critical thinking. It is a system that is meant to challenge conventional thinking and encourage students to navigate uncertainty.

PBL projects are created from the foundations of real-world problems and scenarios that need solving. It is this level of authenticity that makes the problem-solving come to life.

It is a system that is intended to promote the use of inquiry-based learning. It is a very effective tool for prompting students to approach a problem from different angles. They are encouraged to probe and ask questions, carry out their own independent research, and try to find a solution on their own. This level of educational independence rather than a conventional collective learning sets PBL apart and allows students to develop a much deeper level of understanding.

PBL also encourages a collaborative approach

Although PBL is designed to encourage autonomy and individual problem solving it is also a way of learning that also thrives in teamwork mode.

Students are prompted to share ideas and collaborate in order to achieve a potentially more powerful, detailed solution as a result of multiple minds being applied to a specific problem.

The chance to hone multiple skills

Another notable facet of PBL is that projects tend to be interdisciplinary in nature. It is a method of learning that requires students to call upon a wide range of skills to find a solution.

When you take this holistic approach in an educational setting it allows students to develop a much deeper understanding of how to map knowledge and data and connect it all together.

Why will your child benefit from it?

Aside from all of the positive aspects of the PBL approach highlighted already, it is highly relevant to appreciate that this way of learning is much more than a methodology. It can also be viewed as an educational philosophy that creates a vibrant and learning environment.

When you allow a student’s curiosity to thrive as a result of PBL it empowers them to become even better versions of themselves by asking more questions and seeking more detailed answers.

Having the ability to achieve this heightened level of critical thinking will give your child the confidence to apply how they approach problem solving in many different settings when they are making their way in the world.