Grants for Single Mothers: Assistance for a Brighter Future Karan Jain April 17, 2023 Money 365 Single mothers have to face many challenges while ensuring a bright future for their children. From providing them with a roof over their heads to nutritious food and quality healthcare, it can be overwhelming to manage everything on their own. However, the government and non-governmental agencies provide grants to single mothers to help them overcome these obstacles and fulfill their dreams. How do Single Moms get Grants? Single mothers are eligible for several government and non-government grants for single mothers, such as Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) grants and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Additionally, organizations like the American Legion, the National Council of Jewish Women, and the National Association of Letter Carriers provide grants for single mothers. Types of Grants Available Government Grants College Grants Financial Aid Housing Grants Business Grants Small Business Grants Minority Grants Personal Grants Daycare Grants Supporting Grants for Single Mothers or Single Parents Single moms in the US have access to over 50 grants, providing assistance with income, cash support, educational grants, student loans, tuition assistance, child care assistance programs, children’s health, medication or child care expenses, payment of bills, home energy bills, water bills, and welfare benefits. Although these grants are fewer than mom scholarships and loans, they can be found by searching for them online using popular search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Apply for Single Moms Grants Single mothers interested in applying for grants should first ensure that they meet all eligibility requirements. Filling out the application and submitting all requested information, including a grant application letter and proposal, is the next step. Once submitted, the grant package is reviewed, and applicants can apply for more grants. Providing Assistance to Single Mothers through Government Grants Government and government agencies are strict about providing grants as US tax dollars fund many of them. Non-profits and educational organizations can receive grants from the Small Business Administration, a federal agency. Small businesses are not eligible, but they can benefit from government programs at the state and local levels. Single moms are eligible to receive grants from their local and state governments, such as centers for child care, tourism, and energy efficiency technology companies and entities. Single Mother Grants from HUD U.S. government block grants are provided to communities, such as the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program by the HUD to assist populations with their developmental needs. Applicants must meet a list of eligibility requirements, including a low to moderate income depending on where they reside. WIA, WIC, TANF, SNAP & Medicaid Grants for single mothers What are the eligibility requirements and grant amounts for the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF), WIC, SNAP, and Medicaid grants for single mothers? The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) requires individuals to be at least 18 years old and unemployed due to layoffs, displacement as a homemaker, or being self-employed. Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF) is available to single mothers who have dependent children or are in their last three months of pregnancy. Applicants must also be U.S. citizens or eligible noncitizens and residents of the state where they apply. Grant amounts vary among states, and the benefit amount is determined based on financial need. The eligibility requirements for WIC grants include women and their children who must have a child five years or younger or be pregnant with a risk for nutritional deficiencies. How Ever any applicant is applying for these grants must have income below 185% of the poverty line. There is no set amount awarded for WIC grants, and each state receives a different grant amount each year, depending on the community’s needs. SNAP helps low- income existents and their families pay for nourishing food. Eligibility requirements include households with a gross income under 200 of the federal poverty level for families with kids, pregnant women, and people over 60. The allotment for each household is determined by multiplying the net monthly income by .3 and subtracting the maximum allotment amount for the household’s size. Medicaid grants are available to low-income individuals and families to receive free or low-cost health insurance. Eligibility conditions differ from one sovereignty to another, but they all use the Federal Poverty Level( FPL) to compute eligibility. Every state determines the advantages for its donors. Grants For College And Education Scholarship For Single Mothers For single mothers in the US who are looking for college grants and scholarships, there are many options available in various cities, including New York, California, and Michigan. One such grant is the TEACH Grant, which provides assistance to those pursuing higher education to become a teacher. However, there are specific requirements that must be met, such as teaching in a high-needs field for at least four years within eight years of completing the program. Other requirements include meeting federal student aid criteria, maintaining a GPA of 3.25 or higher, and completing TEACH Grant counseling. Another grant that may interest single mothers interested in research and education in the science and engineering field is the National Science Foundation Grants. The foundation provides many donations to advance the science and engineering industries, with program areas including Biological Sciences, Computer & Information Science & Engineering, Education and Human Resources, Environmental Research & Education Geosciences, International & Integrative Activities, Mathematical & Physical Sciences, and Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences. Eligibility requirements vary depending on the grant opportunity, and grant amounts depend on the project and proposal’s availability. The Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) and the National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (National SMART) Grants are also available to students, including single mothers, looking to grow in math and science. The purpose of these grants is to encourage students to take more challenging courses in high school to be more successful in college and pursue challenging disciplines such as technology, engineering, mathematics, science, and foreign language. Eligibility requirements include holding a GPA of at least 3.0, being a US citizen, and being in a school where a four-year degree can be earned. All grant awardees receive $4,000 a year to pay for tuition and school-related fees. The American Association of University Women (AAUW) has several grants and fellowships available to women and single mothers, including American Fellowships, Career Development Grants, Community Action Grants, International Fellowships, International Project Grants, and Selected Professions Fellowships. American Fellowships help scholarly women complete their dissertations, while Career Development Grants help women advance their careers or pursue re-entry into the workforce by paying for educational costs. Eligibility requirements vary, but all are for US citizens or permanent residents who have proof of academic achievement and excellent project design. Grant amounts depend on the project’s financial needs and can be as much as $7,000 for single mothers. Emergency Financial Assistance For Single Moms Financial assistance is available for single moms who want to pursue higher education in the United States. By completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), single moms can access different types of financial aid, including federal grants, scholarships, federal work-study programs, and federal student loans. FAFSA Grants for Single Moms After completing the FAFSA, single moms can apply for FAFSA grants, which can be used to pay for tuition, books, and other college-related fees. To be eligible for the grant, individuals must demonstrate financial need and be enrolled in a college or university full-time or part-time. Grant Amount The amount of money awarded through FAFSA grants depends on the individual’s financial need, with the maximum amount being in the low tens of thousands of dollars per year. The average amount That is offered around $9,000. Federal Pell Grants The Federal Pell Grant is a tuition assistance program funded by the government, which provides financial aid to single parent students to pay for tuition and other college-related costs. Students who receive the Pell Grant can hold onto it each year until graduation. Pell Grants and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) are the grants that eligible applicants usually receive. Eligibility To be eligible for the Federal Pell Grant, undergraduate single mom students seeking a bachelor’s degree or post-baccalaureate teacher certification program must demonstrate financial need. Application Process To apply for the Pell Grant, complete the FAFSA application, which the government uses to determine financial need for tuition costs. Award Amount The maximum amount for the academic year 2013-2014 was $5,645, and for 2014, it was $5,730. The amount awarded to students depends on financial needs, tuition cost, full or part-time status, and whether it’s for the full academic year or only part of it. FSEOG Education Grants for Single Parents FSEOG can help single parents pay for higher education. Students must check with their financial aid office to determine if the school participates in the FSEOG program. Eligibility Requirements To be eligible for FSEOG, students must be enrolled in a college or university that participates in the program and must complete the FAFSA. Students who receive the Federal Pell Grant must use that first before the awarded amount from FSEOG. Grant Amount Grant amounts vary depending on financial need, with most individuals receiving anywhere between $100 and $4,000, depending on the funding the school receives. Housing Grants for Single Mothers If you are a single mother in need of housing assistance, there are several grant programs available that may be able to help. Here are a few options: HUD Grant For Housing Assistance The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides funds to organizations and groups across the country to build housing and support those in need. However, only organizations and groups that specialize in helping people seek safe, healthy housing can apply for these grants. The amount of the grant depends on the specific program and the organization/group’s needs, and HUD will review the community’s financial needs and the organization/group to determine the appropriate amount. Section 8 Assistance For Mortgage This program helps families, seniors, and people with disabilities afford a safe place to live. The family can choose where they live, but the housing must be part of the program. Applicants must make an appointment with their local public housing agency (PHA) to determine eligibility. The PHA will use income and family size to determine the exact amount of assistance. Most agencies require applicants’ income not to exceed 50% of the community’s median income. The grant amount depends on income and family size, as well as the cost of housing. LIHEAP Low Income Energy Assistance Program For Low-income Single Moms LIHEAP Energy Assistance Program helps families and individuals who face difficulties in paying for cooling ,heating, and electricity bills. Eligibility is determined by income, with individual recipients having a low income of 150 percent of the poverty line (unless the state’s median income is 60 percent higher). Grant amounts depend on the individual’s financial need and the bills or repairs. ADDI Grant For First-time Home Buyers This program helps first-time homebuyers purchase a home by paying for the down payment or closing costs. Eligibility is limited to first-time homebuyers with an income that does not exceed 80% of the area’s median income. The amount awarded to each homebuyer depends on their income and the down payment and closing costs. These grant programs are available through local social services agencies and can provide critical support for single mothers looking for safe, affordable housing. Business Grants For Unemployed Single Mom There are several grant programs available for single mothers who own or want to start a business. One such program is the CDFI program, which provides financial products and services to low-income individuals through certified community development financial institutions. This program offers two types of awards: Financial Assistance and Technical Assistance. To be eligible for the award, a community development financial institution must receive CDFI Fund certification. The award amount varies based on the number of people in the community who need financial assistance. Another program that supports single moms in business is the Count Me In competition. The goal of this competition is to motivate small business owners to increase their revenue to help the economy. Anyone running a business can join the competition, but there is no monetary prize involved. The PeaChic site offers grants to women, including single mothers, who are running their businesses. The eligibility is that the applicant should be a woman that is running business or in planning of running a business. Women can receive up to $500 to help with marketing, supplies, and other expenses that come with growing or starting a business. The Small Business Administration provides numerous resources and financial assistance programs for small business owners, including single mothers. There are no eligibility requirements, but the grant amount varies based on the program. The Small Business Innovation Research program awards approximately $2 billion to small businesses each year. To be eligible for the grant, a small business must have less than 500 employees, be for-profit, be in the United States, and be held by a United States citizen. The grant amount varies based on the business’s research needs. Finally, the STTR program funds research and development projects for small businesses. To be eligible, the small business must be for-profit, have less than 500 employees, and be located in the United States. The researcher does not have to be employed by the small business, and the grant amount depends on the cost of the research project. Minority Business Grants Grants are available to help minority small business owners, including single mothers, who may face additional challenges when starting or expanding their businesses. Here are some examples of grant programs that offer financial assistance: Business Centre Minority Business Development Agency: This agency funds organizations that assist small business owners who are minorities by providing counseling and financial assistance. Eligible organizations can apply for assistance from the Minority Business Development Agency, and the grant amount depends on the number of minority business owners in the community and the location of the organization. Administration Grant for Single Moms Who Are Minorities This assistance program is designed to provide financial assistance to disadvantaged small businesses that may face challenges that could otherwise lead to closure. The business owner must own at least 51 percent of the business, be an American citizen, and demonstrate that the company has a chance of success. The grant amount depends on the needs of the business, which varies depending on the type of business and the extent of the debt. NASE Grant Small business owners, including single parents, can apply for NASE grants to start or grow their businesses. Funds can be used for computers, hiring employees, marketing, and farm equipment. To be eligible, applicants must be a NASE member, prove their financial needs, and submit a resume and business plan with the application. The grant amount varies based on the business’s needs but does not exceed $5,000. USDA Grant for Minority economic development in rural communities Can be maintained by the help of this grant. The maximum amount that can be received from this grant is $100,000, and approximately $2.6 million in funding is available, making it competitive. Personal Grants For Single Mothers Walmart provides grants to different organizations worldwide, including those that focus on hunger, women in business, and sustainability. The company runs four primary grant programs, each with its own eligibility requirements and funding amounts. The National Giving Program awards grants of $250,000 or more to nonprofit organizations opening more local chapters, while the State Giving Program provides $25,000 to $250,000 for nonprofits to establish chapters regionally or at the state level. The Northwest Arkansas Giving Program only awards grants to organizations operating in Northwest Arkansas and provides $10,000 or more. Coca-Cola also offers grants to individuals, including single mothers, as well as religious and political organizations, and fraternal groups, to improve health, education, the environment, and research. The grant amount depends on the proposal submitted during the application process. The AED Grant funds programs that want to use AED & CPR equipment and provide training. This grant program is available to any business, agency, or institution that meets the eligibility requirements. The cost of the equipment are covered under this grant. The Children’s Health Insurance Program That also known as CHIP is a government funded program that aim is to provides low-cost or free health insurance to low income children or kids from poor background in the United States. Families who have an income of 100% on the poverty line may be eligible for health coverage for their children. Single mothers can consider these grants to support their journey of raising their children. The Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) Program enables financially struggling students to purchase lunch at school for a lower price or for free. Although this program is not a grant for single mothers, it can provide financial assistance to families who need it. Soroptimist Grants are available for women and girls who are interested in community improvement projects. These grants have helped domestic violence victims, reduced health risks for impoverished women, and provided job skills for those with disabilities. All women in the United States are eligible to apply for a grant. The grant amount depends on the project and the cost needed to achieve its goals. The Insure Kids Now from Medicaid program helps children and teens receive low-cost health insurance, and parents can also receive assistance. The financing comes from Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Families must be in financial need and prove that they cannot afford health insurance, and health risks must also be present. The Sunshine Lady Foundation has a Women’s Independence Scholarship Program that provides financial assistance to women who have suffered intimate partner abuse. The grant helps them seek higher education and get a better job so that they don’t have to rely on an abusive partner for financial support. Applicants must be women, a victim of intimate partner abuse, away from their partner for at least one year, a U.S. citizen, prove financial need, and be enrolled at a college/university or show an intense desire to start. The grant amount depends on the individual’s situation and the cost of their desired education. Daycare Or Child Care Grants for Single mothers Child care grants are available to low-income families who need affordable child care. There are various programs that offer grants for child care assistance, including the TANF Grant of Responsibility and Service Plan (RSP), Child Care Development Fund, Head Start Grant, Grants of University of Washington for Single Moms, and Child Care Credit. To be eligible for these grants, families must have a low income and be working or pursuing education for better employment opportunities. Single mothers must be able to prove their financial need for the grants, and child care centers must have a proposal for how they would use the grant funds to improve their facilities. The amount of the grant depends on the charges of the child care center and the location of the family. The Head Start Grant is an educational grant program that is available at no cost to families with children under the age of five who cannot afford preschool. The Grants of University of Washington for Single Moms allow parents to have childcare payments taken out of their paycheck before taxes, which can save them money on taxes. The Child Care Credit is a tax credit that allows parents to deduct the cost of child care from their taxable income, reducing their tax liability. It is important to note that these programs have different eligibility requirements and grant amounts, and families should research and apply for the program that best fits their needs. Final Thoughts Single mothers in the US often face financial difficulties while raising their children without proper support from the government or their employers. To ease their burden, there are various hardship grants available that provide assistance for housing, utility bills, child care, education, medical bills, and mortgages. To qualify for most of these grants, single mothers should have a low income and be the primary caregiver for their children. We have compiled a list of over 50 grants that single mothers can apply for. Additionally, we have also included grants based on states or cities. For those looking for a shorter version, we also offer a condensed list of grants for single mothers. Grants for single mothers are an essential lifeline, providing them with the financial support and assistance needed to ensure a brighter future for themselves and their children. While the process of searching, applying, and repeating this process may be challenging, the reward of being able to provide a better life for their children is worth it. SHARE THIS POST