During the late 1800s and onwards, many medicines were on sale from unscrupulous vendors.
Known as patent medicines, these liquids promised to cure all manner of ills including thinning hair and baldness. Of course, they were phony elixirs that did little except part desperate customers with their cash.
However, in 1988 the FDA decided that there was a genuine cure for hair loss. Minoxidil was approved as a topical solution to be used to combat baldness in men. Four years later, the FDA approved the same drug for treating female pattern hair loss also.
Now as Harvard Health Publishing points out, it’s not too late to stop thinning hair. Minoxidil is not perfect, and many side effects have been experienced by users. Therefore, this topical solution might not be for everyone, but fortunately, there are other, gentler hair growth solutions.
What can be done to slow hair loss and promote growth?
Regaine, the brand name for minoxidil, is highly popular and proven to help stop hair loss.
Minoxidil can irritate the scalp, acne, inflammation, burning, and swelling of the face. Ironically, minoxidil can also hasten increased hair loss.
For these reasons, many people choose to seek out more natural alternatives to hair loss. And one popular hair loss treatment for men and women is through shampoos or serums.
The options for treating hair loss range from stopping the root cause of the problem to promoting hair growth, or simply hiding the issue completely. Here are the main options for treating hair loss.
- Oral treatments
- Topical solutions
- Laser treatments
- Hair transplant
- Shampoos
- Wigs
- Hair styling
Many men opt to simply shave their heads or crop their hair extremely short. Think Jason Statham or Bruce Willis. However, there are treatments involving scalp cleansing and hair growth shampoos that can see thin hair become thick again.
Can you spot that you are losing your hair?
Often it will be very obvious if you are losing a lot of hair or shedding, and this will be visible. But, hair shedding is not the same as losing your hair permanently.
There are several reasons for female hair loss including hormonal imbalance and many new mothers see excessive hair shedding after giving birth. In these cases, hair should naturally grow again.
Other signs of hair loss are smooth bald patches, noticeably thinning areas, and a wider hairline. If you have a center parting it may be more prominent also, and you might even notice your eyebrows are thinner.
How effective are hair growth shampoos?
Which hair growth shampoo you choose will have an impact on how successful it is at stopping hair loss and promoting stronger follicles. If you want the best hair growth shampoo then choose one with ingredients that have a basis in science or have studies to back them up.
For instance, ginger has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. This can help to improve the condition of your scalp and help with stronger and thicker hair follicles.
Copper peptides are another ingredient to look for. Hair loss can be linked to a particular hormone in men, and copper peptides can block this hormone from being produced.
Vitamin E is important for hair strengthening, and almond oil is rich in this. Look for hair growth shampoos that contain almond oil, and sunflower extract for extra vitamin E.
Are hair growth shampoos safe to use?
There are times that you might wonder if your hair products might be causing damage, and some are more suited for some people than they are for others. Finding the hair products that work best for you without causing frizz or damage can sometimes be a test.
However, hair loss prevention and growth shampoos come chemical-free and with organic ingredients in many cases. Speaking to a dermatologist can help you determine which hair growth shampoo might work best with your skin and hair.
Is a hair growth shampoo going to improve your hair’s health?
The American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends letting a dermatologist look at the condition of your scalp.
A dermatologist will examine you and ask questions about your lifestyle and any recent major changes such as weight changes to establish what might be causing your hair loss.
By and large, though, using a combination of good quality scalp cleanser and hair loss shampoo will promote healthier and stronger hair. Scalp cleansers can have anti-aging benefits, help to soothe the scalp, and introduce more antioxidants. Hair growth shampoos aim to reduce or halt hair loss and then promote and enhance stronger hair.
Thinning hair can be alarming, and excessive shedding can be worrying, but many reasons can cause this. A trip to a dermatologist or your regular doctor can put your mind to rest when hair loss is caused by weight loss or hormonal changes.
However, many people will experience hair loss and thinning that can be helped through different treatments. The least invasive methods to treat hair loss are through scalp cleansers and shampoos. If you can find the best one for you then you could see stronger, thicker, and healthier hair.