
Are you prepared to up your indoor plant game and maximise your vertical area—even in the busy metropolis? We’re here to share our knowledge of the top indoor hanging plants with you so you may design gorgeous patio and balcony gardens. These plants will give your vertical space a pop of colour and elegance, whether you live in a large home or a small flat. So grab a cup of coffee and join us as we explore the world of hanging plants!

1. String of Pearls or Senecio Rowleyanus

White flowers with long red stamens and yellow anthers are produced by string of pearls, which are then followed by cottony seed heads. In order to allow the trailing branches to pour downward, it is frequently cultivated in hanging baskets.

String of pearls.


2. English Ivy or Hedera Helix

English ivy, sometimes referred to as common ivy or Hedera helix, is an evergreen climbing plant that can tolerate low light and cold temperatures. It’s likely something you’ve seen creeping up historic building walls in the past.

English ivy,


3. Pothos or Epipremnum Aureum

Pothos is one of the most common houseplants in North America. It is sometimes referred to as devil’s ivy, golden pothos, or hunter’s rove.



4. Spider Plant or Chlorophytum Comosum

Of all houseplants, Chlorophytum comosum, or the spider plant, is one of the most popular and widely used. Due to its ease of growth and propagation, resilience to neglect, and capacity to flourish in almost any environment, it is particularly well-liked by novices.

Spider plant.


5. Burro’s Tail or Sedum Morganianum

The succulent Burro’s Tail has trailing branches that are clad with succulent leaves that resemble teardrops. This low-maintenance, easy-to-grow plant is ideal for hanging baskets.

Burro's tail.


6. Boston Fern or Nephrolepis Exaltata

A tropical species of sword fern in the Lomariopsidaceae family is called Nephrolepis exaltata. It is indigenous to humid woods in northern South America, Mexico, Florida, and the West Indies, with a maximum height of 7 feet. The Boston fern is the plant.

Boston fern.


7. Heartleaf Philodendron or Philodendron Hederaceum

Heartleaf philodendron, or Philodendron hederaceum, is a common houseplant species in the trade. It is a species of flowering plant in the Araceae family, native to Central America and the Caribbean.

Heartleaf philodendron hanging plants.


8. Fuchsia or Fuchsia Hybrid

Popular hanging plants like fuchsia are prized for their gorgeous, pendulous blossoms, which are available in an array of colours. High humidity and strong, indirect light are ideal for this plant’s growth.

Fuchsia hanging plants.


9. Pansy or Viola tricolor

Any autumn or winter flower bed would benefit from the addition of pansies and violas. They are unusual among flowers in that they can withstand cold temperatures and bloom in the winter.

Pansy hanging plants.



In summary, hanging plants are a stylish and useful addition to any house or yard. The plants on this list are great for bringing some greenery into your home, enhancing the quality of the air, and bringing some brightness into your design.