How Students Can Use Music to Find Motivation When Studying Dhanashree Kankanwade November 17, 2022 Inspiration, Lifestyle Modern students have a lot on their plates. Starting from early school and throughout their entire academic path, young people encounter a huge number of challenges. And overcoming them can be...
How To Find The Right Addiction Treatment And Recovery Center Nikita H November 15, 2022 Health & Beauty, Inspiration The first step to getting out of substance abuse is realizing and accepting you have it. This requires a lot of introspection and courage. The next step after that is finding the treatment you need. This...
Thoughtful Ways to Provide Support for a Grieving Loved One Nikita H November 4, 2022 Inspiration, Social World When someone you care about has experienced a bereavement, it can be difficult to know what to say, or how to comfort them as they try to come to terms with their loss. You may believe that nothing you...
How Blog Writing Can Become a Fulltime Job? Dhanashree Kankanwade October 19, 2022 Inspiration, Lifestyle The internet has romanticized the idea of leaving 9 to 5 jobs to become an entrepreneur. However, when it comes to being your own boss, there are several aspects to consider - such as managing the finances,...
Self-Care: 5 Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself Dhanashree Kankanwade May 10, 2022 Inspiration We live in a hectic and fast-paced world that doesn’t seem willing to wait for those who happen to fall behind. When juggling our professional duties and daily chores, we often wear ourselves thin to...
Want to Become a More Confident Female Driver? Here’s How Dhanashree Kankanwade March 3, 2022 Inspiration, Lifestyle Introduction First, it's important for women who are newbies to not compare themselves with other people. Some people come into the car world already knowing what they're doing but others have never driven...
How Visualization Techniques Can Help You Achieve Your Goals? Nikita H February 25, 2022 Inspiration When it comes to achieving your goals, many successful individuals agree that visualization, along with a bit of effort, can turn your dreams into reality. By using visualization techniques, you have the...
Essay writer as a modern profession for women working remotely Nikita H February 17, 2022 Inspiration, Social World Today, in the Internet age, a lot of people consider themselves as if they belong to the fourth estate. Some blog, others write texts on social networks and share them with everyone. But books have not...
Tips to Boost Your Self-Confidence Exponentially Dhanashree Kankanwade January 31, 2022 Inspiration How often do you come across a friend or a family member who continually complains about their lack of self-confidence? Chances are that it is a lot. And, you aren’t the only person with such misconstrued...
Ways to Let Go of the Past and Live in the Present Dhanashree Kankanwade November 12, 2021 Inspiration Pain is a part of every human's life, and everyone has been there at least once in their lifetime when you think things are not certainly going your way as everything is just against the flow, and you are not...