3 Self-Defense Moves Works Perfectly With Attacker at a little distance Nehal Ordia September 1, 2015 Inspiration Self-defense is a countermeasure that involves defending the well-being of oneself from harm. The use of the right of self-defense as a legal justification for the use of force in times of danger is available...
20 Best Quotes by Robin Sharma for Epic Achievement Chetna Jain August 30, 2015 Inspiration, Lifestyle Who don’t know Robin Sharma, the Author of 15 bestselling books, including The Leader Who Had No Title and The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and is also famous as a brilliant speaker, Leadership expert and a...
Meet Zhou Qunfei one of the 19 self-made billionaire woman in the World Neha Pugalia August 24, 2015 Inspiration, Money Zhou Qunfei, Founder and CEO of Lens Technology, is a China based self-made billionaire. While most of the 187 women billionaires became rich due to inheritance, 44 year old Ms. Zhou is one of the 19 self-made...
10 Traits That Prove You Are An Emotionally Strong Woman Preeti Baid August 11, 2015 Inspiration, Lifestyle Some women just lose self control in the time of difficult situation and broke down whereas others cope up pleasingly which states about their emotional quotient. If you are a mentally strong individual then...
15 Things Every Woman Should Think Of For Herself Preeti Baid March 8, 2015 Inspiration, Lifestyle Feel happy about your being woman and womanhood. For all you do, right from being great mother to wife and daughter. Be proud of you, unfold the magic in your life with the things you were probably let going...
With Mother Teresa Being Criticised For Converting People Preeti Baid February 26, 2015 Around Us, Inspiration, Lifestyle We read in the books about them but never realized how selflessly they worked for a foreign country to them, India. Instead of being grateful to such generous and beautiful souls like Mother Teresa, there are...
A Long Way To Go! Preeti Baid February 1, 2015 Inspiration, Lifestyle These lines are for every women who deny to succumb. You are amazing and you can do whatever you wish to, despite of the patriarchy we live in. Don't let the fire in you burn you instead let it become your...
45 Life Lessons Written By A Ninety Year Old Woman Preeti Baid February 1, 2015 Inspiration, Lifestyle The 45 life lessons written by a ninety year old woman, Regina Brett, has gone viral on the internet over a past decade amid the query that was it really written by a 90 year old lady? She wrote down...
7 Most Inspiring Women In unusual fields Chetna Jain January 31, 2015 Inspiration, Lifestyle When on one side crime and injustice against women have become a matter of grave concern , on the other side we also have outstanding ladies who made a mark in their respective fields like never before and...