6 Fun Lunchbox Ideas to Add Zing to Your Family’s Work and School Breaks Dr. Shikha Chandaliya May 8, 2019 Health & Beauty Packing your own home made lunches and snacks to get you and your family through the workday is the sensible thing to do. Apart from cost-savings, you can ensure that you and your family get good nutrition,...
How can an MRI Help Detect Cancer? Dr. Shikha Chandaliya January 26, 2019 Health & Beauty Cancer refers to a variety of different diseases characterized by cancerous cells that have the potential to invade and infiltrate normal body tissues and multiply uncontrollably. Often, cancer spreads...
Restoring Lost Facial Volume with Facial Fat Transfer or Facial Implants Dr. Shikha Chandaliya July 28, 2018 Health & Beauty As the body ages, the face begins a gradual process of losing fat. While perhaps this sounds exciting for other parts of the body, reduced fat in the face that is the lost facial volume often leads to a sunken...
15 Health Benefits Of Ginger Dr. Shikha Chandaliya December 2, 2016 Health & Beauty Winter mornings with a cup of ginger tea gives a good start to your day, isn't it? Adding ginger not only improves the flavour of your tea but also fights against many ailments including some fatal one...
What Your Natural Lips Color Says About Your Health Dr. Shikha Chandaliya November 28, 2016 Health & Beauty We all notice dry chapped lips. But have you ever paid attention to the changing natural lip color of your lips? Yes, it does change which tells what is going wrong inside your body. It can be related to your...
21 Amazing Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry (Amla) For Better Health Dr. Shikha Chandaliya November 18, 2016 Health & Beauty The Indian gooseberry also known as Phyllanthus emblica is a small tangy fruit being rich in vitamin C and antioxidants have ample of benefits involving health, skin, and hairs. It is being used in traditional...
7 Best Home Remedies To Remove Dandruff Forever Dr. Shikha Chandaliya November 15, 2016 Health & Beauty With the arrival of chilling winters it brings with it several problems as in dry scalp causing dandruff which ultimately leads to hair fall. So curing dry scalp will help you in getting rid of dandruff, those...
Eat 5 Walnuts And Wait 4 Hours – This Is What Will Happen To You! Dr. Shikha Chandaliya December 30, 2015 Health & Beauty This latest research proves that even the simplest foods can be best for your health. According to the research, just eating a handful of nuts a day provides immediate protection against heart disease. Eating...
10 Amazing Health And Beauty Benefits of Dates Dr. Shikha Chandaliya December 26, 2015 Food, Health & Beauty Dates have been discovered thousands of years ago and since then they were known to have healing powers. And while science has proved that for sure, we love to eat them mostly because of how delicious these...
13 Most Friendliest Cat Breeds in the World for the Cat Lovers Dr. Shikha Chandaliya August 31, 2015 Pets, Relationship The cat sellers will always urge that their feline is the friendliest in the world and that she will prove the best pet. But the fact is every cat differs from the standard breed and has its own distinct...