Workout motivation tips for women Nikita H September 2, 2022 Health & Beauty The human body is like a complex machine, it consists of various small parts. A little failure of one part leads to the breakdown of the other part of the body. Therefore, the workout is one of the best...
What Are Some Fat To Fit Workout Routines In 2022? Nikita H August 25, 2022 Health & Beauty An article beginning with such a declaration can only mean one thing. That it either deals with fitness or some rigorous business stuff. Yup! You’ve guessed it right. This piece here will provide...
Simple Tips That Can Make You Lose Weight Nikita H August 22, 2022 Health & Beauty Many people struggle with weight for years, not knowing how to lose a few extra pounds and what methods to follow. Unfortunately, the issue can affect not only one’s health but also their confidence,...
Activewear vs. Sportswear: What’s the Difference Nikita H August 9, 2022 Lifestyle People who live an active lifestyle can choose between two distinct categories of clothing: activewear and sportswear. When we talk about "activewear," we mean clothing that can be worn as a transitional piece...
Does A Traditional Sauna Help With Weight Loss? Nikita H August 1, 2022 Health & Beauty A sauna is a place you go to relax and sweat. Sounds like the perfect environment for losing weight, right? Well, it can be with the proper preparation and precautions. A traditional sauna will help you sweat...
Work Out at Home to Reach Your Fitness Goals Nikita H July 22, 2022 Health & Beauty Getting into shape and working out consistently is one of the most common New Year's goals, which inspires many folks to take up expensive gym memberships. Gyms are buzz in January, but as the months go by,...
Daily Habits for Relaxation During Stressful Times Nikita H July 14, 2022 Lifestyle Finding ways to relax and unwind during stressful periods is challenging. Acute stressors, like the death of a family member or upcoming exams, tend to override everything else. Chronic stress due to...
Common Mistakes People Make When Buying Boxing Gloves Nikita H July 4, 2022 Talent Picking the right boxing gloves is essential for any boxer, whether you are a beginner or a professional. Boxing gloves not only protect your hands while you're sparring or training, but they also affect how...
5 questions to ask yourself before buying a new home appliance Nikita H July 1, 2022 Lifestyle With so much choice these days, it can be difficult to find the right home appliances for your specific needs. But with a little focus and some forward planning, you’ll find the perfect appliance to take...
What type of Push-Ups works the Lower Chest? Nikita H June 16, 2022 Health & Beauty One of the best exercises for working the lower chest is the push-up. Push-ups and bodyweight exercises can improve the strength and tone of muscles without the need to buy expensive gymnasium memberships or...