7 Early Warning Signs of Heart Disease Dr. Kamini Jain August 28, 2020 Health & Beauty Nearly half of all American adults suffer from cardiovascular disease. Though cardiovascular disease is common, many people don't know the early signs of heart disease. If you're not aware of the signs, you...
What are the Most Common Types of Urinary Incontinence? Dr. Kamini Jain August 26, 2020 Health & Beauty Did you know that urinary incontinence affects about one-quarter to one-third of women and men in the United States? Are you experiencing or wondering if you're experiencing urinary problems? In this...
All-time Best tips for PMS Pain Relief Dr. Kamini Jain August 17, 2020 Health & Beauty Understanding Premenstrual syndrome is very difficult for women. This is because it affects women on a wide scale. It is the period before the actual arrival of menses. Throughout PMS, a woman goes through a...
Your Winter Beauty Guide: Must-have Products to get through the Season Dr. Kamini Jain August 15, 2020 Health & Beauty As you crank up the heating and move your summer dresses to the back of the closet, it's time to rethink your beauty routine. It's no secret that winter comes with a long list of beauty woes. The cold and dry...
Types of Health Insurance and Tips to Choose the Right One Dr. Kamini Jain August 9, 2020 Health & Beauty Protecting yourself and loved ones is one of the greatest pursuits in life. It means being safe, mindful, and always prepared for the challenges that get thrown at us. Some of these challenges are from our own...
How to Fight Aging with these Collagen-Containing Supplements Dr. Kamini Jain August 5, 2020 Health & Beauty When the effects of aging start setting in, it might seem impossible to get away from it. This can be frustrating at times, especially when you have to start changing your outfits, putting on wigs, or making...
Does Meal Replacement Shakes Work? Dr. Kamini Jain August 3, 2020 Health & Beauty Feeling self-conscious is human nature but looking in the mirror and noticing that extra weight is very frustrating. After scrolling through my social media newsfeed and being bombarded with images of models I...
7 Signs of a Weak Immune System Dr. Kamini Jain July 29, 2020 Health & Beauty With the number of diseases growing every year, it is crucial that we have a strong immune system to avoid falling ill. Unfortunately, most of us have a weakened immune system and don't even realize it. It...
How to Keep Your Child Cool in the Hot Summer Dr. Kamini Jain July 15, 2020 Health & Beauty Heatware: How to Dress Your Children Everyone rejoices when the summer finally sets in. Unfortunately, temperatures may go a high of 34°C in some areas in the UK and around Europe. While this might be a...
How does a Medical Billing Company Improve the Practitioner’s Productivity? Dr. Kamini Jain July 11, 2020 Health & Beauty Medical billing companies provide crucial services for the welfare of a medical business. It is the utmost responsibility of a billing company to recover poor debts and enhance the financial growth of an...