Infrared Light Therapy for Neuropathy Dr. Kamini Jain August 15, 2021 Health & Beauty Neuropathy isn’t something very common in the US, so you might not have heard of it unless you or someone close to you has suffered from it. Neuropathy occurs when the nerves we have outside our brain and...
What Are the Advantages of CBCT In Dentistry? Dr. Kamini Jain July 30, 2021 Health & Beauty The popularity of cone beam CT or CBCT has rapidly grown over the years, transforming the way dentists perform radiographic imaging. Especially, because it provides dental practitioners with three-dimensional...
The Best Vitamins To Take After Bariatric Surgery Dr. Kamini Jain July 28, 2021 Health & Beauty Bariatric surgery is a weight loss procedure that reduces the size of the stomach. The downside to this is that it can lead to vitamin deficiencies and malnutrition. Because of this, there are multiple...
Dull Skin Causes: Steps to Rejuvenate Your Skin Dr. Kamini Jain July 4, 2021 Health & Beauty Healthy, youthful-looking skin is definitely in demand, and that’s no surprise at all, considering that the skincare and beauty industry is abundant with amazing products and treatments at the moment. There...
A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Health Dr. Kamini Jain June 28, 2021 Health & Beauty Women nowadays are keeping up with the fast-paced life that the world demands. Hence, many are now becoming more active in their careers, which often results in neglect of their health, making them more...
8 Mastectomy Recovery Tips To Help Ease The Discomfort Dr. Kamini Jain June 5, 2021 Health & Beauty A mastectomy is when one undergoes a surgery to remove breast tissue. This is done through the partial or complete surgical removal of both or one breast. People usually get a mastectomy when they have breast...
7 Most Common Mental Disorders Caused by Addictions Dr. Kamini Jain May 23, 2021 Health & Beauty Several mental illnesses occur due to substance abuse - referred to as substance-induced mental disorders. These include delirium, psychosis, persisting amnesia disorder, sexual dysfunction, sleep and anxiety...
Everything You Should Do When Injuring A Knee Dr. Kamini Jain May 6, 2021 Health & Beauty With hundreds of areas in the body that are at risk of injury, the knees are one of the most common. Between the three bones surrounding your knee, namely the femur (thighbone), the tibia (shin bone), and the...
What You Need To Know About Urinary Tract Infection As A Woman And How To Prevent It Dr. Kamini Jain May 3, 2021 Health & Beauty Urinary tract infections are a dangerous disease and you are more likely to get them if you are a woman. That is why it is very important to learn what exactly these infections are and how to prevent them....
What You Need to Know About Magnet Therapy and You Should Try It Dr. Kamini Jain April 29, 2021 Health & Beauty Magnetic field therapy is a pain-relieving process that uses a therapeutic magnetic field to relieve pain and helps with recovery from a variety of issues. In addition to pain relief and recovery, magnetic...