18 Weirdest & Craziest Sex Questions – Sex education Chetna Jain August 9, 2015 Relationship, Sex One look on Mumbai Mirror ‘MM sexpert column’ column and you will be sure that Indians need some serious sex education. For those who don’t know, it is a Q&A session where you find all those bizarre,...
Mexican Government Let Street Artists Paint 200 Houses To Unite The Community Chetna Jain July 26, 2015 Around Us A youth organization that’s been known to use graffiti as a means of expression, ‘Germen Crew’ and the government of Mexico joined forces to rehabilitate and beautify the district of Palmitasa, a town in...
10 Snazzy Braid Hairstyle Tutorials Every Girl Should Know Chetna Jain July 24, 2015 DIY, Fashion, Lifestyle Braids are usually pretty easy to do, they look great even when messy and keep you sorted in a cool pony tail. Try braid with a twist like waterfall, swept, messy, fishtail or boho rose and discover the new...
12 Elegant And Unique Finger Mehndi Designs Chetna Jain July 23, 2015 Fashion, Lifestyle # Simple And Modish Finger Mehndi Designs Simple Mehndi designs could be as pretty as intricate designs, be it a little rose with leaves or a highlighting feather. Hence we have collated some of the best...
The Vlogger Slams Haters With Her Video ‘You Look Disgusting’ And It Is Commendable! Chetna Jain July 9, 2015 Around Us Wearing makeup or not is an individual's choice and the reason behind it too. There are misconceptions that women only wear makeup to impress men or to mask insecurities about their appearances. Just as...
How To Hem Jeans, Shorts or Skirts At Home Chetna Jain July 1, 2015 DIY Ever find a great set of jeans but the inseam is too long? In this DIY you will learn how to hem jeans, pants, skirts, shorts, dresses etc. This is a skill all ladies should know and instead of relying or...
11 photos of celebrities that will motivate you to hit the Gym right now Chetna Jain June 30, 2015 Men Let's face it. Most of us have the best intentions when we start a new workout program. "This is the time that I will actually stick to bodybuilding and not quit!" or "Last time I was forced to quit because I...
10 Essential Overnight Beauty Tips You Must Know Chetna Jain June 29, 2015 Health & Beauty Who doesn't want to wake up flawless! Take a little care, pamper yourself and follow few steps to get that radiant skin, bright eyes, shiny hair, soft hands and more. The thing is while you slumber, your skin...
Do Squat With Kickback For Toned Legs And Sexy Butt! Chetna Jain June 23, 2015 Health & Beauty Squats help to tone your lower body, but sometimes this exercises can get boring. So, with a twist try this super cool Squat with kickback and get toned legs and sexy butt! With a basic Squat you're just...
Lose Weight And Boost Energy Levels With Amazing Chia Seed Drinks Chetna Jain June 15, 2015 Health & Beauty Chia Seed is good for all and if you are planning to lose weight then you must include it in your diet. Chia Seed is low in calories and even then give the feeling of being full, so you are less likely to...