A Parent’s Guide to Throwing the Ultimate Teen Birthday Party Chetna Jain April 23, 2020 Lifestyle We can all remember that special feeling when growing up and your Birthday approaching, it's right up there with the other big 3 being Christmas, Easter, & of course, school holidays. It often seems...
How to Know Yourself? Chetna Jain April 23, 2020 Health & Beauty Body Society has pre-conditioned expectations for everyone, and it uses it as a criterion to help you decide if you have been successful in your life and if you are happy. Some examples of this can be whether...
5 Beauty Products for Clear Skin Chetna Jain April 13, 2020 Health & Beauty More and more frequently, we’re seeing people step away from relying on makeup and instead investing more in their skincare products. Having clear skin has always been a goal for everyone, but it’s...
Seven Tech Gifts That Every Girl Will Be Happy To Get Chetna Jain April 13, 2020 Lifestyle, Luxury It’s a hectic process for people to shop a product for girls. As the likes and dislikes of females are based on a lot of factors, so even their friends spend much time in choosing gifts for them. Yup,...
When did Technology Begin in Education? Chetna Jain April 1, 2020 Around Us What is Technology? There is no doubt that technology is a significant part of everything that humans do, particularly in education where it has catalyzed giant leaps in the way learning is done. However, at...
Nursing Essay Writing Tips for Women Chetna Jain March 27, 2020 Inspiration Many women dream of becoming a nurse. However, the way to become one is not easy. You have to study nursing at a college and pass all the courses, preferably with good grades. As part of your obligations as a...
Top Ways To Maximize Your Rental Income Chetna Jain March 23, 2020 Money So…. you may be thinking about traveling the whole wide and wonderful world! You wish to see the glorious sights that the earth has to offer, whilst you still can. You want to visit the seven wonders of the...
9 Gift Ideas for Teenage Girls Chetna Jain March 18, 2020 Lifestyle, Luxury Teenage girls can be tricky to shop for. They are not just on top of the latest trends but are also notorious for being extremely fussy. In addition, many gifts suitable for a 13-year-old girl may not go down...
6 Beauty Habits that you Make Feel Good about Yourself Chetna Jain March 18, 2020 Health & Beauty How do they do it? How do they manage to feel so good? Maybe you have been following some high-end celebrities on Instagram, and they left you wondering how they manage to look so beautiful amidst their busy...
Everything You Need to Know About Virtual Master Cards Chetna Jain March 16, 2020 Money Using a credit card offers convenience. However, its use comes with some risks. You can have peace of mind if you use it to purchase from a giant online merchant. However, it is a completely different...