Six of the Best Texts to Send to an Ex Chetna Jain June 21, 2020 Relationship Have you recently had a breakup that you now regret? Are you on the outs with your ex and looking for a way to get them back? You are not alone. Relationships are hard, and there can be disagreements or...
When it’s Time to Care for your Parents Chetna Jain June 19, 2020 Love, Relationship Growing up, we are reliant on the love and affection provided to us by our parents in unwavering amounts. The care that they gave to us as we found our feet in the world can never truly be repaid, but there...
How to use a Professional Facial Steamer at Home Chetna Jain June 12, 2020 Health & Beauty Each time and day we walk, we expose our facial skin to chemicals and pollutants, and we don't realize it. Some of them are makeup that we apply, but others come from the air, chemicals sprayed during...
Top 10 Ways to Improve the Love Relationship Chetna Jain June 4, 2020 Love, Relationship There are times when you might think that the relationship is not working as it supposed to be. This mainly happens when our partner or spouse is not giving value to us, and they are not treating the way they...
Tips on Finding the Best Apps for Podcast Listening Chetna Jain June 4, 2020 Inspiration I love listening to podcasts, not only are their thousands of them on a multitude of topics, but they make mundane chores a lot more entertaining. Even better, in recent years we've experienced a surge of...
Which Watch to Wear with Which Outfit? Chetna Jain May 29, 2020 Fashion, Lifestyle If you do not wear the right wristwatch with your outfit, you could jeopardize the elegance of the entire look. A beautiful dress with a trashy watch will not make you look like the lady you are. A watch can...
Ways to Use Instagram Stories to Enhance Engagement with the Audience? Chetna Jain May 27, 2020 Inspiration Instagram Stories have established its potential in promoting your brand most effectively. Instagram stories enable you to attract the attention of the target customers, and as these resources never pile up in...
Pet Therapy: How Animals Improve Human Mental Health Chetna Jain May 19, 2020 Pets Pet therapy is one of the methods in rehabilitation and psychotherapy. Scientists began to develop this area in the 1960s: they noted that the presence of a dog helps to establish contact with a child with...
How to Save Money for a Long-Awaited Trip Chetna Jain April 30, 2020 Money, Travel Traveling is almost everyone’s dream. To stay at an exotic place, enjoy an unusual sun share, or wade across virgin woods is a certain breakaway. The daily routine, coupled with financial and social...
Top 9 Tips For Natural Skin Care During Winter Chetna Jain April 27, 2020 Health & Beauty As temperatures begin to drop and days become colder, your skin can be heavily exposed to the effects of cold, dryness, and wind. Harsh winter weather can not only damage your skin, but it can also be...