What You Can Expect from a Forex Broker Chetna Jain August 8, 2020 Inspiration It’s a well-known fact that Forex and currency trading is very popular and the market is always attracting new traders, even though this type of investment is highly volatile, changing randomly depending on...
How to Adjust to Working Remotely in Pandemic Time Chetna Jain August 8, 2020 Inspiration The global pandemic has changed things for all of us. Our routines and lifestyles have been disrupted. This is true not least in the area of business, where many people are now having to work from home. There...
How to Fit Fitness into the Hectic Schedule of Single Parenting Chetna Jain July 15, 2020 Parenting, Relationship The life of a single parent can be a manic juggling act and one of great sacrifice in order to do the best for one's child. There is no doubt that when you have a child, particularly if they are new or a...
What is the Best Way to Buy a Home as a Single Mom? Chetna Jain July 14, 2020 Parenting, Relationship Buying a home is usually a tag-team effort by a wife/mother and a husband/father. The reason why this is so is that a single parent typically doesn’t have the advantage of a dual income, thereby making it...
Should you wear a Different Perfume this Summer? Chetna Jain July 3, 2020 Lifestyle To fully enjoy your perfume, you must know how to properly choose the right scent for each season. Many of us focus on perfume for occasions such as office wear or date night. However, not much focus is put on...
Decorative Garage Floor Ideas for your Los Angeles Home Chetna Jain June 30, 2020 Lifestyle, Luxury Garage floors are areas of your home or business that are not that pleasing to the eyes because of cracks and stains that are hard to remove. These days, this should not be a problem these days because there...
The Top 10 Reasons for Gifting Jewelry Chetna Jain June 30, 2020 Fashion, Lifestyle The act of gifting is generally conducted to make one feel immensely special. Whether it is something big or small, something useful or not, when you receive an item wrapped in shiny paper, you do feel excited...
Muay Thai with Fitness and Weight Loss for Preserving Good Health Chetna Jain June 25, 2020 Health & Beauty The word health describes the state of complete physical and emotional well-being. Good health is very important for living a longer and stress-free life. Life expectancy depends on various factors including...
Top Tips for Saving Money During Lockdown Chetna Jain June 23, 2020 Money For many women across the world, saving money can be a difficult and uphill battle. Not only do you have to cover a much higher rate of living with your salary each month, but unexpected bills can crop up and...
The Better Truth of Gypsy Living (And It’s not that Bad) Chetna Jain June 22, 2020 Lifestyle Living a life in a gypsy community, one is sure to be awestruck by the minimalistic lifestyle they choose. Most of the gypsy communities around the world are often misunderstood, although only minorities among...