Long-Distance Relationships Chetna Jain November 30, 2020 Relationship The fact that long-distance relationships come with various disadvantages make them overly complicated. Your family and friends may discourage you from pursuing long-distance affairs, as many believe they...
Differences between Unhealthy Obsession & True Love Chetna Jain November 26, 2020 Relationship Truth be told: everyone has fallen in love at least once in their lives, or hope to. The weirdest human being must be who is unwilling to love or be loved. However, sometimes your weirdness starts the moment...
Practical Ways to Have a Spiritual Awakening Chetna Jain November 19, 2020 Health & Beauty With the advent of science, technology, and all other branches of knowledge, there has been a renewed desire for doctrines explaining life and the afterlife, materialism and spiritualism, the present world,...
Fun Hobbies That You Can Learn During Quarantine Chetna Jain November 19, 2020 Food, Lifestyle The longer the time we all spend inside, the more we realized that we could do many things with our time. The pandemic causes extended quarantine and restrictions worldwide, and this gave us a lot of time to...
10 Health and Wellness Trends to Know Chetna Jain November 19, 2020 Health & Beauty This year, many people are seeking new ways to feel healthy and improve their well-being. The pandemic has placed a tremendous amount of stress on our society, and everyone is looking for ways to relieve...
Forget about your phone before sleeping and make a book your best friend. Chetna Jain November 15, 2020 Inspiration Dear ladies, have you ever had difficulty going to sleep and waking the same after. People who have this issue usually share common reasons for that. The answer for better sleep would be switching off your...
Formal Wedding Attire vs. Semi-Formal vs. Casual: What Should You Choose? Chetna Jain November 12, 2020 Lifestyle, Wedding Wedding planning can be stressful and every little detail matter as it will affect your wedding greatly. When it comes to planning, one thing that you should consider is your guest’s attire on your wedding...
A Cholesterol-Low Recipe of Cinnamon-Maple overnight Oats with Spinach-Feta Scramble & Currants Chetna Jain November 12, 2020 Food, Lifestyle There is no getting away from the fact that cholesterol is an important compound that plays some key roles in the body, which include; •Creating a barrier between the internal environment and the...
The Importance of Discipline in Your Weight Loss Journey Chetna Jain November 5, 2020 Health & Beauty Weight loss is one of the most beneficial things that you can do for your body . Across the world, we are experiencing exponential growth in obesity. There are many reasons for this, with the most common...
The Best Mattress in A Box for Pregnant Women Chetna Jain October 28, 2020 Health & Beauty Sleeping at least 8 hours a day is important. As you grow older, the number of your sleeping hours will decrease due to work and other important matters that will take up most of your time. Sleep is vital...