Protecting our families and homes is a priority for us all so what should we be thinking about when considering home security

Think like a burglar

Perhaps the best way to understand where your home security weaknesses may be is to take the point of view of a burglar. Walk around the outside of your house as if you had locked yourself out and consider how you would get in. This is what a burglar will be thinking about too. 

Look at your windows and doors to see if any have been left open, even a crack. Check for ladders or anything you could use to access upper windows. Are there any tools lying around that could be used to break glass or pry locks open? Or have you left your garage or shed unlocked giving access to tools? 

Also, consider whether there is a way for someone to break in without being seen by neighbours or passers-by. Once you have carried out these checks, you’ll have a more accurate understanding of how secure your home is. 

Install a burglar alarm & CCTV

A major deterrent for burglars or opportunist thieves is a visible burglar alarm and will make many intruders think twice about targeting your home. If a full burglar alarm is beyond your current budget, you can buy fake alarm boxes which look authentic and for a fraction of the price. Combined with visible CCTV (or fake cameras) and a smart doorbell you can make the property less than appealing to would-be thieves. 

Fit good quality doors & windows

Anyone thinking of breaking into your home will be checking the quality of your doors and windows, as well as the standard of the locks and handles. Always fit British Standard security products to external doors and windows and consider having a spy hole and security chain fitted if you’re home a lot. Remember not to leave keys in your window locks or within reach through a letterbox. 

Get a dog

A very effective deterrent to burglars and an all round asset to your home is a guard dog. While any potential intruder would be foolish to enter a property with a Belgian Malinois or German Shepherd, the presence of any dog can alert you or neighbours to an unwanted guest. Thieves like to operate in anonymity and anything that draws attention to their presence may make them reconsider their target. 

Secure your outbuildings & garden

It’s important to make sure not just your home is secure but also your shed or garage. Most people store garden equipment, bikes, and tools in there which may either be stolen or used to break into your house. Put tools in locked boxes and secure bikes to a ground anchor even inside your garage or shed. 

If your outbuilding’s security is not optimum, consider fitting a new garage door or reinforce your shed door with a good quality padlock. Integral garages can give access to your house if thieves can gain entry so security is very important in this area. 

Fit external lights & indoor light timers 

External lights which are triggered by motion sensors are a must for any good home security system. You should make sure that these lights are pointed downwards and only onto your property to avoid annoying neighbours or blinding drivers. 

Fitting timers which turn on different internal lights at random times can give the impression that there is someone home when the property is actually empty. Avoid using the same light at the same time as someone who is watching your home as a potential target will work that out as an automatic timer.