7 DIY Outdoor Improvements That Increase Your Home’s Value Preeti Baid January 26, 2021 Lifestyle 2446 We often opt for home upgrades that increase the home’s value. More often than not, homeowners often waste resources by making unnecessary improvements that don’t necessarily add value to their homes. Some home improvement ideas easily seem like a good option, but they may not add much value to your home; they are not a top priority to an average buyer. Instead of making changes according to your discretion, it is wiser to tailor your adjustments to the buyer’s needs because buyers will hardly purchase a home that doesn’t satisfy their needs. However, you can’t always know it all. Thus you might need to consult a local realtor in this regard. Visit popular home sites that serve as an online planner for garden to learn which home improvements add value to your home and make buyers see your home in a better light. 1.Tidy the Lawn Most people find untidy and discolored lawns quite distasteful and unpleasant. So if your lawn is patchy and unkempt, don’t fret because it isn’t rocket science. However, if the condition is severe and utterly deplorable, you should consider total lawn replacement with natural water-based plants or artificial grass. You can keep your lawn neat by removing any debris or layers of leaves lying around on your lawn. Doing this will remove molds, diseases, and decays from the lawn. More so, rake away thatch from the lawn to promote healthy airflow through the lush grass and foster germination. However, it can be challenging to do all the tasks yourself if you are the busy type, or maybe you don’t want to get yourself too occupied with lawn cleaning. You probably don’t have the slightest idea about lawn maintenance and management, and you are not interested in learning the how-to, then you should hire a lawn service company. 2. Add Some Color Nothing revives a dull environment like some color. Some fresh paint along the trellis and fences and a reasonable amount of decorative flowers should do the trick. Be expressive with your design; add more ornaments and fewer accessories when necessary. Your choice of color determines a lot about how well your environment will improve. Since the first impression lasts longer and even sometimes turn into the last impression, it is essential that you carefully select durable and beautiful colors to paint your home, from the outdoor environment to the indoor environment. And here are some color suggestions you can implement to beautify your outdoor environment: Wooden Brown and Stone Grey or Dark Grey Maroon and Cream Dark Blue, Grey and Bluish White Grey, Brown, Orange, and Blush Shades of Brown, White, and Yellow Charcoal Grey and White 3. Plant a Tree Apart from the aesthetic advantage that trees add to your outdoor space, they also help to purify and cool the air in your immediate environment. Some healthy trees also help to combat anxiety and depression. Moreover, it’s believed that neighborhoods and homes with trees are void of violence in and out of the house than homes without trees. Trees and landscaping help build an environment rid of fear and help children living in such environments develop healthy confidence. Another important reason you should consider planting some trees around your home is that trees are natural air conditioners. Trees naturally capture carbon dioxide and emissions from power plants if you live very close to industrial areas. Considering all these benefits and several other values trees can add to your home, including the ability to save you a couple of bucks in energy costs, be sure to select healthy and mature trees you can plant around your neighborhood. And also, try to familiarize yourself with your homeowners’ association restrictions regarding the species and height of trees you are permitted to grow. Photo by Digital Marketing Agency NETWORK on Unsplash 4. Add outdoor Living Space If you want a significant outdoor improvement, then you can add an outdoor kitchen. The benefits of having an outdoor kitchen are limitless, and any buyer will agree to pay extra for a home with one. Buyers would indeed consider a home with an outdoor kitchen. It could come in handy during special occasions or anniversaries such as Thanksgiving, Showers, and other events that require outdoor cooking and dining. You don’t have to break the bank to add outdoor living space to your home. For instance, you can transform just any outdoor space into a comfy room that can be used for entertaining guests or relaxation for you and your immediate family. Here are some ideas you can implement to transform an ordinary outdoor space into a comfortable living space: Make it have an indoor appeal. Add patios in the outdoor living space. Create a dramatic entrance to the outdoor space Place container plants strategically around the outdoor space. Use wall arts Have movable seats in the outdoor space Have ample supply of air to the living space 5. Place Play Equipment Properly Homes with play equipment is a dream for families with little children; however, the position of the play equipment could be a turn off for some buyers as they would consider it as an obstruction instead of an attraction. It is better to remove play equipment altogether if you find it challenging to keep them out of the way. 6. Grow a Low Maintenance Garden Make your outdoor design a sustainable one by adding some greenery, and a low maintenance garden is a better choice. Consider low maintenance grass strips that require minimal irrigation and mowing. Trendy vegetables, dairy, and rock gardens will add more curb appeal. However, if you have an existing lawn with more plants and a larger area, invest in technologies such as an irrigation controller and high-tech rotor sprinklers. The Hunter PRO-C Conventional controller will help reduce the time, labor, and cost of watering your garden by letting you set the frequency of irrigation, the start time, and the duration of watering. On the other hand, the latter will ensure that your plants are watered evenly without you doing the work. If you’re not sure about which irrigation technologies best suit your garden’s needs, ask an expert to help you select the right irrigation equipment and design to build your garden’s irrigation system. Alternatively, you can also consider investing in high-quality best artificial grass, as it’s easy to maintain and require minimal effort. 7. Add Garden Entertainment Buyers lookout for extra outdoor additions like sculptures, fountains, and ornamental ponds as they give the home an added appeal. Conclusion In addition to all the listed improvements, always ensure cost-effectiveness when making improvements; otherwise, you’ll end up running at an awful loss. What we mean is that you should consider your budget carefully before you embark on the journey of home improvement. We do hope this list helps you draft a definitive list for your next outdoor home improvement project. SHARE THIS POST