7 Reasons You may be Suffering from Migraines Dr. Kamini Jain September 14, 2020 Health & Beauty 1853 Most people can agree that they have experienced a headache at some moment in their lives. Usually, headaches involved a slightly uncomfortable ache either behind the eyes or in the back of the head. While it may be uncomfortable, it’s hardly debilitating. There are some essential oils for headaches that Revive offers. Migraines, on the other hand, can bring your entire life to a halt. They can cause severe pain to the point of feeling faint or even vomiting. Migraines can last anywhere from several hours to several days, leaving sufferers at the mercy of throbbing misery. If you find yourself experiencing migraines, chances are that you want them to stop as soon as possible. It can be frustrating feeling a migraine coming on and not being sure what has caused it. The only way to free yourself from the misery of migraines is to know why they start in the first place. By identifying what’s causing your migraines, you may be able to talk to your doctor and bring an end to them once and for all. Take a look at some of the most likely reasons why you may be suffering from migraines and what you can do to prevent them. Foods You’re Eating You may not realize it, but you may be causing your headaches by what you’re putting into your body. Many people find that certain foods can trigger a migraine. It’s a good look to examine your diet and notice what it is that you’re eating every day. Try to note the time of day an exactly what it is that you consumed. Doing so will help you notice if there are any correlations in when your migraines are triggered. Since not everyone has the same reactions to food and drink, the answer may not be the same for everyone. However, once you do find a pattern in your migraines that are connected to something you’re eating, you should eliminate it from your diet entirely. Stress A lot of people think that stress is something you feel emotionally, when, in fact, stress can also be something that you feel physically. If you live a lifestyle that is particularly hectic and tense, it could be affecting your physical well being. Whether you have an intense job or perhaps you have issues in your personal life, stress can bring on physical reactions such as migraines. All too often, people fail to recognize how their physical symptoms are a sign of something emotional. Too Much Caffeine If you’re someone that loves your morning coffee, then you’re not alone. As many as three out of four people claim that they love to drink their caffeine in the morning before they can get their day started. However, a morning cup of coffee for some people also includes a mid-morning coffee, lunch coffee, mid-afternoon coffee, an after-dinner coffee. If you’re the kind of person that finds yourself drinking multiple cups of coffee a day, then this could be triggering migraines. Your caffeine consumption may be giving you a temporary energy boost after you drink it; however, once caffeine leaves your system, you could be suffering a withdrawal. When your body gets so used to being pumped full of caffeine all day, then it develops an addiction. If you cut off your caffeine supply in the middle of the day, your body will demand more by delivering you a headache. It’s a good idea to take a look at how many coffees you drink a day, and ask yourself whether this might be attributing to your headaches. Remember, caffeine comes in many forms. You may also be ingesting caffeine through your snacks, teas, juices, and even some medications. Limit yourself to one cup of coffee a day, and you’ll find that after an initial withdrawal period, the headaches may cease. Hormones Some women may notice that migraines tend to fall around the time of their menstrual cycle. This is because of hormones. If you start to notice that your headaches are starting several days before your period, then it’s definitely hormone-related. Known as menstrual migraines, these pesky headaches can be debilitating. While certain medications may be able to curb the pain slightly, it usually results in being bedridden for at least a few hours. It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about what your options are. Dehydration You’ve probably heard at some point that you should drink at least eight glasses of water a day. This isn’t something that you should simply dismiss as a wives’ tale. The truth is that water plays a significant role in how your body functions. If you are dehydrated, your blood vessels will dilate and trigger a migraine. Be honest with yourself about how much water you’re drinking throughout the day. If you’re hardly drinking any water at all, then it’s likely connected to your headache problem. You Grind Your Teeth Do you wake up in the morning with a sore jaw or jiggly teeth? You may be grinding your teeth at night. When you put too much pressure on your jaw for long periods of time, it will start to build up tension in your skull. The result? A horrible migraine. If you suspect that you might be grinding your teeth at night, you should consult with your dentist, who can determine whether this is, in fact, the case. They will likely recommend a mouth guard to inhibit your grinding. In addition to seeing the dentist, you should also consider quitting chewing gum. Some people who chew several sticks of gum a day may overwork their jaws, which are already stressed from the grinding at night. Stop chewing gum, visit your dentist, and you may very well have found the cause for your migraines. You’re Depressed Much like stress, depression can also lead to physical symptoms like headaches. Migraines can be a common symptom of people who cry frequently. Ongoing crying can lead to stress on the sinuses, and bring on a terrible migraine. Look out for signs of depression in your life, and ask yourself whether this may be causing the headaches you’re experiencing. SHARE THIS POST