7 Early Warning Signs of Heart Disease Dr. Kamini Jain August 28, 2020 Health & Beauty 2533 Nearly half of all American adults suffer from cardiovascular disease. Though cardiovascular disease is common, many people don’t know the early signs of heart disease. If you’re not aware of the signs, you might fail to get the help you need. If there’s something wrong with your heart, it’s important to know right away. Heart disease won’t only impact your heart. You should also consider your stomach, energy levels, and watch for other symptoms. Here are seven potential warning signs of heart disease you might experience. Though not everyone experiences symptoms, it helps to know what to look for. Keep reading to discover which signs of heart disease you need to watch for to protect your long-term health. 1. Chest Pain When people think “heart disease,” many people imagine someone clutching their chest before falling to the floor. However, it doesn’t always play out like scenes in the movies. If you have cardiovascular disease, plaque might clog your arteries. When your blood can’t flow properly, it could cause you to experience: Pressure Tightness Pain in your chest Many patients describe their chest discomfort in different ways. For example, it might feel like a light pinching. You might describe your chest pain as a burning sensation or a heavy pressure against your chest. In some cases, your chest pain will only last for a few minutes. Physical activity can sometimes trigger the pain. You might experience chest tightness when you’re at rest, too. The sensation might last a few minutes or longer. Pay attention to your symptoms before discussing them with your doctor. You could experience a heart attack or other heart issues without developing chest pain. Women tend to experience chest pain more often than men. If your symptoms persist longer than a few minutes or feel severe, don’t hesitate to contact 911 right away. 2. Fatigue Cardiovascular disease is the top cause of death around the world. These diseases take about 18 million lives each year. The signs of heart disease aren’t always severe, though. For example, you might experience fatigue. Exhaustion is a symptom of many health conditions, including allergies, diabetes, sleep apnea, and arthritis. Do you experience fatigue along with these other warning signs of heart disease? Consider making an appointment with your doctor. They can review your symptoms and develop a plan of action. You might feel fatigued after completing daily activities such as climbing up a flight of stairs. Even carrying groceries from your car or playing with your kids can leave you winded. If you didn’t have an issue with these activities in the past, let your doctor know. If you develop unexplained weakness or extreme exhaustion throughout the day, don’t ignore it. You might also break out in a cold sweat without a reason. If you experience any combination of these early signs of heart disease, call for help right away. Don’t try driving to the hospital on your own. 3. Stomach Problems Heart disease can impact your chest and your stomach. In addition to stomach pain, you might also experience: Nausea Vomiting Heartburn Indigestion Women often experience stomach problems more often than men. However, there are a few reasons you might develop these stomach issues. Pay attention to what you ate before you experienced stomach issues. Are you at risk of developing heart disease? About half of all Americans have at least one of three risk factors, including: High cholesterol High blood pressure Smoking However, your age and family history could also increase your risk of heart disease. Certain behaviors can increase your risk as well, including: Not getting enough physical activity Obesity Eating a diet that’s high in trans fat, saturated fats, and cholesterol Tobacco use Drinking too much Let your doctor know if you start experiencing stomach problems. They’ll review your risk factors and suggest lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your risk. 4. Heartbeat Irregularities Every once and a while, you might notice your heart race when you get excited or nervous. Most of us shrug a heart flutter off as a normal response. Sometimes it can indicate heart disease, though. Let your doctor know if your heart beats out of time for more than a few seconds. Let them know if it happens often as well. Sometimes, an irregular heartbeat indicates it’s time to make lifestyle changes. For example, you might need to get more sleep at night. Maybe you’re drinking too much caffeine. An irregular heartbeat might indicate you have a condition like atrial fibrillation. Speak with your doctor to determine the best course of treatment right away. Want to know more about heart disease? Check out this guide to learn more about your condition. 5. Pain that Spreads Symptoms of heart disease also include radiating pain and bloating. Have you noticed pain radiating down the left side of your body? Does the pain start in your chest before spreading to your arm? Arm pain is common right before a heart attack. You might also experience jaw or throat pain. Alone, these symptoms aren’t signs of heart disease. Combined with pain in the center of your chest, however, this symptom could indicate a heart attack. Make sure to schedule an appointment with your doctor to make sure everything’s okay. 6. Dizziness It’s normal to lose your balance every once and a while, especially if you’re clumsy. Maybe you’ve neglected to get enough food or water throughout the day. Perhaps you stood up too quickly. If you experience dizziness along with these other signs of heart disease, contact your doctor. You might experience dizziness along with shortness of breath and chest discomfort, too. Dizziness indicates your blood pressure has dropped and your heart is having problems pumping blood properly. 7. Snoring Have you started snoring loudly at night? Do you stop breathing while you’re asleep? If you’ve developed sleep apnea, it could put a dangerous amount of stress on your heart. Your doctor might suggest a sleep study to determine how you’re breathing as you sleep. Have a (Stronger) Heart: 7 Signs of Heart Disease to Watch Out For Don’t neglect these seven signs of heart disease. If you experience these symptoms, let your doctor know right away. They can help you develop a treatment plan designed to reduce your symptoms. Searching for more helpful guides? Explore the Health and Beauty section of the blog today. SHARE THIS POST